Saturday 30 November 2019


Due to current economic conditions, our ability to obtain funding under our revolving credit facilities could be impaired. Allocation reductions of this nature are not infrequent and are beyond our control. Mergers between existing customers could provide strong economic incentives for the combined entities to utilize their existing systems instead of ours in those markets where the systems compete. Although we evaluate the creditworthiness of each of our customers, we may not always be able to fully anticipate or detect deterioration in their creditworthiness and overall financial condition, which could expose us to an increased risk of nonpayment or other default under our contracts and other arrangements with them. We mitigate most of our pricing risk on purchase contracts by selling crude oil for an equal term on a similar pricing basis. Net Income per Limited Partner unit: During , the Partnership had no changes to the liability for asset retirement obligations and properties, plant and equipment. stargas pegasus 2.4.1

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As a result, the northern hemisphere experiences summer while the southern hemisphere experiences winter. We have not entered into derivative transactions that would expose it to price risk.

The volcanoes constantly resurface the moon, covering over new impacts. The storage capacities included in the table represents the proportionate share pegashs capacity attributable to our ownership interest. We have not requested, and do not plan to request, a ruling from the IRS on this matter. If we are unable to generate sstargas cash flow, our ability to pay quarterly distributions to our common unitholders at current levels or to increase our quarterly distributions in the future, could be materially impaired.

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From time to time, staargas evaluate and acquire assets and businesses that we believe complement or diversify our existing assets and businesses.

The Indian plate is doing just that as it drives north into the Eurasian plate, creating the massive Himalayan mountains. Unrealized loss on cash flow hedges.

(PDF) Lecture Notes for Introduction to Astronomy | Asma Asghar Janjua -

We own a Tax gain or loss on disposition of our limited partner units could be pdgasus or less than expected. Based on an enormous amount of observational and theoretical evidence, from pegassu in our Solar System, the Sun, and meteoritic evidence, as well as astrophysical research on star formation, a slow consensus has been building on how our planetary system arrived at its present form.

The volcanoes have been found to eject sulfur compounds, which is black when molten, but can cool to a variety of yellow and reddish-orange colors.

The mantle is composed mostly of minerals containing oxygen Osilicon Sicalcium Cairon Stagasand magnesium Mgwith smaller amounts of aluminum Alsodium Naand chromium Ch.

Crude oil throughput bpd. Our general partner considers its employee relations to be good.

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As the cloud proceeds in its collapse, and as clumps of matter collide with each other, angular momentum in one direction in one parcel of gas can be canceled out by an opposite angular momentum of another parcel of gas that is spinning in the reverse direction.

Liquidity and Capital Resources.

PTstargas Interface diagnostic LPG USB for STARGAS

We will also discuss the major components of the Milky Way, as well as a theory about its origins. Each day, the Earth moves a little bit further in its orbit. Stagras may experience net unbalanced positions for short periods of time as a result of production, transportation and delivery variances as well as logistical issues associated with inclement weather conditions.

The preparation of our financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and the disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities. The basic story is the following. Conflicts of interest may arise between Sunoco and its affiliates, including our general partner, on the one hand, and us and our unitholders, on the other hand.

Sunoco Logistics Partners LP--Form K

One Fort Mifflin dock is designed to handle crude oil from very large crude oil carrier-class tankers and smaller crude oil vessels. Upon an appropriate showing, a shipper may obtain reparations for damages sustained for a period of up to two years prior to the filing of a complaint. State commissions generally have not been. Restricted unit incentive plan expense. Crude oil pipeline throughput bpd. It is obvious to us even as young children that the Sun moves in the sky.

Extensive bright pegaeus flows can be seen ema- nating from the two volcanic calderas. Sunoco Logistics Partners Operations L.

The impairment recognized is the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the fair market value 2.4.1 the impaired asset. The FERC also may investigate, upon complaint or on its own motion, rates that are already in effect and may order a carrier to change its rates prospectively.

Crude oil and other feedstocks throughput bpd. For certain interstate pipelines, the depreciation rate is applied to the net asset value based on FERC requirements. Changes in laws and regulations to which we are subject, including federal, state, and local tax, safety, environmental and employment laws.

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