Wednesday 27 November 2019


However, measures which are either in effect or before par- liament are only expected to bring the deficit down to L96,bn. But the Institute has tried to dampen controvery first by avoiding the words Expen- diture Tax and second by con- fining toe new treatment to approved savings schemes. Mr Hart has carved out a reputation in the Senate as a fiercely independent thinker whose views on close aniaysis cannot be readily labelled as belonging to one or the other wing of tbe Demo- cratic Party. In New York it dosed at DM Mr Michael Davis, chairman of Windsor Television, said that the existing televirion programme pattern would not work on cable, but cable could provide truly specia- lised channels. Ershad lifts ban on political activity President Ershad of Bangladesh said yeserday he would restore free political activity from March 26, as a step towards returning Bangladesh to demo- cracy, Reuter reports Gen Ershad also said elec- tions for the Presidency and parliament would be held together on May Mr Walter Mon dale emerged from the Iowa caucuses last week as an easy winner. samsung 2g tool v3.5.0038

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This implies that in the latter part: The John Mason School. Yet legislative proposals which would shelter American indus- try from foreign competition now swell the Congressional record. Better to have a formal, transparent, adjudica- cation than to resort to arm- twisting and random revenge. Wage differences between Hungarian men and women grow with the number of years on the job. Those budget cuts he sees in part coming from the defence sector through tbe elimination of expensive new weapons systems.

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He was a disastrous fifth in the Iowa samsjng a week ago. With an eye on the General Election, that must be held within 10 months. One World Trade Center, th storey Metropolitan: The Boeings are ageing, and must be phased out by the late s to comply with new European noise regulations that become effective progressively from onwards. On this private floor, you have your own bar service, movie facilities and galley.

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This one mainly, concerned with docu- mentation on his life and artistic background. Normally, programs for such machines are produced by the company's full-time software specialists, who are in the production engineering department. Myung-Whuh juxtapositions shoot by at ludi- house— and grandly typical: Mr Mood ale, with the strength and depth of his organisation, is still seen to be the front runner, al- beit one who has had the image of invindbQity shattered.

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Some gov e rnment 'securities showed marginal falk. They had done it, quite sfcnply, because he had asked them tn and because they were loyal to their union.

The proximate cause is a plan- ning error. But one of them, interestingly enough, is that basic rate tax would be withheld at source on deposit accounts, as the Chancellor has already proposed.

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Draw- ings and watercolours. Ershad lifts ban on political activity President Ershad of Bangladesh said yeserday he would restore free political activity from March 26, as a step towards returning Bangladesh to demo- cracy, Reuter reports Gen Ershad also said elec- tions for the Presidency and parliament would be held together on May The Government had originally Intended to introduce ' Islamic banking next month, but such was the reaction from the public that the plan was put off for a year.

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The rest of the cash will buy machine tools, cutting equip- ment. Your company wifi sajsung faced, sooner or later, with a gap in Hs technological resources.

The Polish Politburo has one woman, while there are no female Government ministers. In New York it dosed tol DM An entrepreneur since school days, when he published a magazine. For toe first time, in the shadow of - to? The paradox was that without su- perbly attractive programmes it was going to be hard to persuade viewers to subscribe to a cable ser- vice. The Wren Executive System.

Liberals have hoped that if the unpopular Mr Trudeau resigned, a leadership convention would serve to switch the political spotlight away from the Conservatives, galvanise the de- moralised party, and serve to in- crease its support As speculation over yearold Mr Trudeau's retirement escalated.

Mr Leo Murray, the TUC general secretary, has convinced all but the most cynical of the genuineness of his outrage over the ban on the Cheltenham unions.

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