Saturday 23 November 2019


This will be your default for searching and browsing, but we'll still show you results for other languages. Home Hitman Rap Lyrics. I've got a to sing, but i'll be right back Don't blame the messenger 'cause I never wanted you dead I'm only doing my job 'cause killing's what I do best And you can pray all you want, Won't keep me out of your head Everyone is destined to die You're just before all the rest Lyrics powered by www. When I make a kill, every time's the same Put my calling card through the side of you brain Call me mr. This song is currently unavailable in your area. A mistake i'll never make, okey? jt machinima hitman rap

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jt machinima hitman rap

Home Hitman Rap Lyrics. I've got a to sing, but i'll be right back Don't blame the messenger 'cause Hitmna never wanted you dead I'm only doing my job 'cause killing's what I do best And you can pray all you want, Won't keep me out of your head Everyone is destined to die You're just before all the rest.

I'll explain as I take my aim Some people dream about perfection, i'm wide awake And every crime I make, each life I take, It's a higher price with higher stakes, I'm not on time, but never late, And if you try to fight, you're fightin' fate And you can bite me, but i'll bite back I got the whole agency kissin' my ass 'Cause everybody's like "That was a tight rap Agent 47 tell me please, did you write that?

jt machinima hitman rap

This song is currently unavailable in your area. When Hihman make a kill, every time's the same Put my calling card through the side of you brain Call me mr.

jt machinima hitman rap

I've got a to sing, but i'll be right back Don't blame the messenger 'cause I never wanted you dead I'm only doing my job 'cause killing's what Raap do best And you can pray all you want, Won't keep me out of your head Everyone is destined to die You're just before all the rest Lyrics powered by www.

This will be your default for searching and browsing, but we'll still show you results for other languages. More from this album You'll never find it man Just another life i've taken, the investigations Got me so frustrated I could smash their faces Cops on my tail, But I always shake 'em Wastin' their time, 'cause they're shadow chasin' sometimes I wanna race in, guns ablazin' Because I'm so tense and I lack kachinima But i'm a artist, makin' a statement My gun is the brush and i'm gonna start paintin' Don't blame the messenger 'cause I never wanted you dead I'm only doing my job 'cause killing's what I do best And you can pray all you want, Won't keep me out of your head Everyone is destined to die You're just before all the rest I give assassin a whole new meaning 'cause I make a mess, but i'm used to cleaning They'll never find me when i'm hiding I guess those guys should've never designed me But everybody makes mistakes you say?

A mistake i'll never make, okey?

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